Plan B is An Art You Need to Master
Plan b is often the route to success
We have a habit of attempting to construct perfect plans. An obsession. Is that a bad thing? Maybe.
What definitely is a problem, is our refusal to settle for anything other than that plan.
In a perfect world, we would plot a trajectory, follow it, and reap the rewards.
But we don't live in a perfect world.
We live in a world of "despite the odds", " I found a way" and "good enough".
This applies especially to fitness.
It is very tempting to over-plan fitness. Have everything spelled out to a T, ignoring the truth that it probably won't go exactly how we expect.
All we can do is:
A) Understand our values
B) Construct a fitness plan that is based around these
C) Put in the amount of effort that aligns with these values
If we need to deviate and go for plan B, fine.
There was never a chance of doing it all perfectly - trying is the only true currency.